Monday, April 22, 2013

April News

Partnering for Community Internships in Colorado
Jane Enger (Teller County Famers Market), Joe Stone, and Dave Ward (Central Colorado Foodshed Alliance) attended an Internship Supervisor Training, conducted by Darryl Birkenfeld, at Fusion Japan restaurant in Woodlawn Park, Colorado. These two organizations are partnering with Ogallala Commons to create 2 Community Internships. OC will be training more than 60 Internship Supervisors over the next 5 weeks.

OC Attends Kansas Farmer’s Union Food Co-Op Workshop
Bob Mailander presents on how to create successful co-ops
Part one of Food Hubs and Co-ops: How local family farms can feed our communities, Establishing an Online Food Cooperative, was held April 6th in Hiawatha, Kansas. The workshop provided a look at food co-ops and local food in general. Ogallala Commons director, Darryl Birkenfeld, explained how his community created enthusiasm about local food, and  that to have a flourishing Foodshed, you have to engage youth. In addition, OC board member Bob Mailander spoke on creating successful co-ops. OC’s advisory council was also represented by Kim Barker, with the Oklahoma Food Co-op, and Chris Sramek, with the High Plains Food Co-op. The two cooperatives have very similar operating procedures. (Read the full story from Kansas Farmer's Union)

3rd Annual Youth Engagement Day 
Back: Ty Ownbey, David Willhite, Zane Jenkins, Adrian Suarez
Front: Kidryn Hoeffner, Shaelynn Wood, Chelcy Viner, Katie Jenkins
The Campo Youth Advisory Council (YAC) hosted their 3rd Annual Youth Engagement Day on Wednesday, April 10.  Approximately 100 students from Campo, Kim, Pritchett, Vilas, and Walsh, Colorado and Keyes, Oklahoma attended the event. Students gathered in the gym for a welcome by YAC President, Adrian Suarez.  David Willhite then introduced the keynote speaker, Ogallala Commons Advisory Council member Andy Wilkinson.  Andy spoke to the group about their responsibility to get involved in their communities and to plan for their future and encouraged them to pursue the post-secondary education that meets their career goals. Following the keynote session, students chose from various breakout sessions put on by local and regional colleges, governmental organizations, and even emergency responders. The event concluded with an "Entrepreneur Panel" featuring talks from  former YAC member and current OPSU senior, Rafe Schroder, local business owners Shalah Perkins and Shawn Crane, Otero Junior College’s Bill Dutro, and Baca County Economic Development director, Shelia Crane. (Read the full story in the Monday Morning Update)

'Graduates' of OC Playa Festivals Help Keep the Wetlands Safe
The "Arsenic Arresters" meet with former First Lady Laura Bush
Students who attend OC Playa Festivals go on to do even bigger projects! Recently, a 6th grade "Science Rocks U" teamHudson Sanders, Brett Wilson, and George Wiebehave spearheaded efforts to reduce arsenic in their region. Research and experiments sampled and determined arsenic levels in farmlands and wetlands, as well as the local water supply.  It was discovered that the highest levels of arsenic were found in irrigated farmlands. Additionally, playa wetlands were negatively affected by the presence of arsenic. The team, called "Arsenic Arresters," instituted an outreach campaign which encouraged people to draw water from the hot side of the tap.  Public awareness days were hosted and the team presented to local conservation groups, university scientists, and the public. Through the Conservation Symposium in Midland, the team was able to share their findings with landowners and former First Lady Laura Bush. Legislative efforts were begun which seek to limit arsenic levels found in food.  In conjunction with Texas Tech University and West Texas A&M, long-term action plans were developed for continued monitoring of arsenic. 

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